All The Best Joel Chan!

Stay Updated on What's Happening at AWAK!

All The Best Joel Chan!

24 November 2021


All The Best Joel Chan!

We are thrilled to share that our Senior Mechanical Engineer Joel Chan will be competing in the #MadridCup2021 for #underwater #rugby at the end of this month!  

Joel has a truly multifaceted personality. In addition to being an engineer at AWAK, he is also an avid underwater rugby player, who has become a part of the First Asian Team Underwater Rugby (F.A.T UWR) since 2016 that led him to play in multiple tournaments across the world.

We wish him and his wife #AllTheBest as they embark on yet another exciting championship! 

#AWAK #employee #mechanicalengineer #underwaterrugby #AWAKTalent #employeeprofiling

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